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Dorset Council - School Routes and Timetables 2024-2025

Damory Buses - School Timetables 2024-2025

Students and parents have a number of options regarding their journey to Queen Elizabeth's School:


A large number of students choose to ride their bicycles to QE and need to remember the importance of following the Highway Code. We accept no responsibility for the safety of the student during the journey. This is an open site and students must be made aware that the bicycle sheds are not secure. We discourage strongly the use of bicycles with quick release fittings. These are easily stolen and we can take no responsibility for losses from the cycle sheds. A cycleway is in the process of construction for students wishing to cycle to and from the School from the town centre.


Many local students choose to walk to QE and need to remember our expectations of courtesy and common sense during the journey. Students must remember that Stone Lane and St Margaret’s Hill are used by lorries and buses and to stay away from the kerb edge. Recently new lights have been put in at the Triangle and The Broads; care must be exercised when crossing at these points

Mopeds, Scooters, Motorcycles and Cars

Special permission is required from Heads of Year, who keep a register of vehicles. Designated parking areas must be used. Failure to comply may result in loss of this privilege.

School Coaches

Free transport is available to students living outside a 3-mile limit of QE but within our traditional catchment area. Sixth Form students are not entitled to free transport. The right to use this transport can be removed in certain circumstances which includes bad behaviour and failure to carry the right bus pass. Administration of bus passes is provided by Dorset Education Authority at Dorchester (01305 225164)

Family Car

Many parents choose to deliver and collect students at QE. The sports facility car park at the side of the school should be used to pick and drop off students to avoid congestion and danger.

Public Transport

The use of public transport to and from QE is also possible, but students need to be reminded of the importance of high standards of behaviour during the journey.

School Minibuses

The school owns two minibuses which meet all current safety regulations. They carry 16 passengers. 

Car Parking

Please note that the main car park must be kept free in the morning and afternoon when school buses use it. Instructions are displayed on the lamp-posts.