Careers Notice Board
The Careers Team are thrilled with the success of the Year 12 Work Experience Programme this year.
Students worked hard at creating top class CV’s on Unifrog, our destination platform which helps them secure really meaningful work placements across a variety of industries spanning across the UK with some venturing as far as Wales!
The students' enthusiasm to succeed in the programme was exemplary and reflective of the amazing feedback we received from employers who want to continue to host QE students for work experience in the future and for some students, employers offering them apprenticeships after they finish at QE!
Student feedback found exploring careers through work experience really helped, bringing jobs on paper to life!
This programme reinforced to some students their desire to pursue career paths while for others the realisation that the career was not quite the fit! Either way minds have been opened!
Don't take our word for it, check out the student testimonials via this link!